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[ESP8266] FCC&CE Test
[ESP8266] I2S Demo Codes

The attachment is an I2S demo based on ESP8266_NONOS_SDK.

If using ESP8266_NONOS_SDK_V1.5.0 or later version, please add "-lcrypto" in 'LINKFLAGS_eagle.app.v6" area of the Makefile.

Documentation about I2S

[ESP8266] frc1_timer Demo

The attachment is a demo of frc1_timer based on ESP8266_NONOS_SDK.

If using ESP8266_NONOS_SDK_V1.5.0 or later version, please add "-lcrypto" in 'LINKFLAGS_eagle.app.v6" area of the Makefile.

[ESP8266] SPI as slave

The attachment is a demo of SPI running as slave based on ESP8266_NONOS_SDK.

If using ESP8266_NONOS_SDK_V1.5.0 or later version, please add "-lcrypto" in 'LINKFLAGS_eagle.app.v6" area of the Makefile.

Documentation about SPI

[ESP8266] Demo for Gizwits

The attachment is a demo for Gizwits based on ESP8266_NONOS_SDK.

If using ESP8266_NONOS_SDK_V1.5.0 or later version, please add "-lcrypto" in 'LINKFLAGS_eagle.app.v6" area of the Makefile.

[ESP8266] PWM Demo

This is for ESP8266_NONOS_SDK.

If using ESP8266_NONOS_SDK_V1.5.0 or later version, please add "-lcrypto" in 'LINKFLAGS_eagle.app.v6" area of Makefile.

The PWM sample in IOT_Demo of ESP8266_NONOS_SDK:

1. It has a 100us tuning of PWM duty besides the original period.

2. During the tuning, it can not reach the 100% high-level. The tuning may seem like a noise wave.

3. This method can get a high accuracy(long period leads to high accuracy), but if duty gets close to 100%, the accuracy turns to be lower.

There is another PWM demo as the attachment which can get 100% duty, and reliable period, but the accuracy is lower.

How to use this demo:

1. Copy pwm.c into app/user, copy pwm .h into app/include.

Remove "-lpwm" in app/Makefile.

2. Sample codes:


#define PWM_2_OUT_IO_NUM 13

uint32 io_info[][3] = {   {PWM_0_OUT_IO_MUX,PWM_0_OUT_IO_FUNC,PWM_0_OUT_IO_NUM},

u32 duty[3] = {600,604,634};
pwm_init(1000, duty,3,io_info);

// Set duty, the max duty is 8191 which is set in pwm.h
pwm_set_duty(duty, channel);   // 0~2
pwm_set_period(uint32 period);  // set period;

[ESP8266] UART-TCP Passthrough Demo

Link to a demo of UART-TCP passthrough mode based on ESP8266_NONOS_SDK, please click here.

[ESP8266 RTOS] SSL client Demo

Link to an example of SSL client based on ESP8266_RTOS_SDK, please click here.
