

The ESP32 sends AT commands through UART1 by default, for ESP32-WROVER, it is:

* GPIO19 is RXD

* GPIO22 is TXD

* GPIO14 is RTS

* GPIO15 is CTS

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ESP32 JTAG 调试指南

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ESP32 Flash 加密指南

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ESP32-WROOM-32 AT Bin V0.10

ESP32 AT 固件首次发布。用户可以通过 UART 发送 AT 指令。

请注意,本次发布的 AT 固件仅支持 Wi-Fi 相关功能,BLE 相关功能将在未来的版本中增加。

Chinese, Simplified

Mongoose OS

Mongoose OS is an open source Operating System for the Internet of Things and supports both ESP32 and ESP8266. Mongoose OS reduces time and costs of firmware development by up to 90%. It provides reliable, ready to go infrastructure for commercial products, including filesystem encryption support.

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ESP32 蓝牙配网用户指南

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Simple-Pair 用户指南

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ESP32-DevKitC 入门指南

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