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ESP8266-Spotify Remote Control

Reporting from Shanghai, China
Jul 5, 2018

ThingPulse has just launched a gadget that turns your ESP8266 into a Spotify remote control!

ThingPulse is a Zurich-based IoT shop, owned by Marcel Stör and Daniel Eichhorn, who develop, promote and sell IoT hardware and software for both makers and consumers. Their latest project enables users to deploy an ESP8266 to remote-control their currently active Spotify player, regardless of whether this is operated on a smartphone, web player, or other dedicated device. After the initial authentication and authorization with the Spotify API, the user’s device downloads the artwork from the currently playing song, and displays its title and the artist’s name. Since the entire kit comes with a touch screen, users can also pause the song, continue playing it or jump to the next and previous tracks. What’s more, users can extend their code and control the volume, as well as any other features offered by the Spotify API. In a demo video on YouTube, readers can see the ESP8266-Spotify on the left, while on the right they can see an iPhone 5 which plays music, as controlled by ESP8266 (also pictured below). 

To get all the details about the ESP8266-Spotify Remote Control, readers can click on here.

Daniel Eichhorn’s enthusiasm about ESP8266 dates back to 2014, when our powerful chip was first introduced to the IoT market. Ever since, he has been really active in the ESP8266 community. In fact, whoever has done any ESP8266 projects must have come across Daniel’s work by now. His projects have been instrumental in helping IoT enthusiasts become more familiar with ESP8266, while having fun at the same time. Daniel has said about ESP8266: “I have also experimented with other hardware, but the price of ESP8266 and its features amaze me!” To read more about Daniel’s views on ESP8266, you can read his latest interview here.

In January 2018, Daniel Eichhorn partnered with Marcel Stör, who has been a maintainer of the NodeMCU firmware for ESP8266 and ESP32. Marcel has also contributed several tools to the NodeMCU community, such as the NodeMCU cloud builder, Docker NodeMCU build and the NodeMCU PyFlasher. Together, Daniel and Marcel created ThingPulse, which is where IoT components and traditional applications meet. To get a glimpse of the variety of ESP-related projects on ThingPulse, you can visit its blog and Github account.

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