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Transport-independent APIs
The ESP HomeKit SDK API has been designed such that it provides the HomeKit functionality independent of the transport (Wi-Fi/Bluetooth LE/Ethernet). The sample accessory implementations provide a good starting point for developing HomeKit accessories with standard as well as custom features.

Security and Privacy
Apple's HomeKit Protocol offers an end-to-end encryption and authentication between all HomeKit-enabled accessories and iOS devices. The ESP HomeKit SDK ensures this desired security for the solution by means of hardware and software features of the Espressif platform.

Complete Hardware Support
ESP HomeKit SDK has been developed in-house by Espressif to build Apple HomeKit compatible accessories using ESP32/ESP32-S2/ESP32-C3/ESP8266 SoCs.

Full Integration of Apple HomeKit
Apple HomeKit technology provides an easy, secure way to control your home’s lights, doors, thermostats, and more from your iPhone, iPad, or Apple Watch. The ESP HomeKit SDK offers a complete solution for OEMs to build products that comply with this. It is fully certifiable against the new HomeKit specifications.