
ESP8266 Low Power Solutions


PCB design master class with altium designer + 3 board examp

Real experience designing pcb with altium designer +3 complex board design with microcontroller & esp8266 & electronics


In this course we will DESIGN 3 DIFFERENT COMPLEX BOARD together.


Make an IOT robot car with Blynk app & ESP8266

Learn to make a Blynk app controller| Apply IoT and learn robotics in short time | ESP8266 based IoT Robotics

By the end of the course, you will have created an ESP12E NodeMCU wheeled robot that can be controlled through a free Blynk mobile app and you will also be able to see the live video feed as the robot moves around. We will attach one light detecting sensor to the robot which would tell us if the robot can sense a dark or bright ambience.


Learn Microsoft Azure IOT with ESP8266 & Microsoft Power BI

Internet of things Azure IOT Hub using ESP8266,Power BI | Azure IOT based course | Digital transformations | Handson


Robotics with ROS : Mastering Mobile Robots using Ardunio

Advance Mobile Robotics and understanding using Ros with ESP8266 Wifi module.This course contains all the concepts you need for developing your  mobile robotics projects with ROS.


Getting Started for Internet of Things with Launch Pad and Esp8266 (River Publishers in Information Science and Technology) 

This book provides a platform to get started with the Ti launch pad and IoT modules for Internet of Things applications. The book provides the basic knowledge of Ti launch Pad and ESP8266 based customized modules with their interfacing, along with the programming.

The book discusses the application of Internet of Things in different areas. Several examples for rapid prototyping are included to help the reader understand the concept of IoT.


ARDUINO E FIREBASE: Crie seu próprio Dashboard para monitorar e controlar sua placa de "Arduino ESP8266 12E" com o banco de dados "Google Firebase

This book helps you to create a "Google Firebase" database, structure it for your IOT application, perform all downloads necessary to install the tools (all free), configure them, know how to implement your Arduino ESP8266 12E with programming codes for sending and receiving data from Firebase. Finally, it will construct a Dashboard (control panel) for monitoring and actuation of the data to control its Arduino, at first only variables, after the change of variables by sensors and LED's, etc.


Arduino Sketch for ESP8266 Development Workshop 

This book helps you to get started with Arduino Sketch development using ESP8266 boards. We explore I/O programming on ESP8266 boards.


IoT at Home: Smart Gadgets mit Arduino, Raspberry Pi, ESP8266 und Calliope entwickeln. Behandelt auch openHAB, FHEM, Home Assistant und ioBroker

Arduino, Raspberry Pi, ESP8266, Calliope & Co. make the IoT world accessible to makers. In this book, you'll learn how to make smart items for your home - affordable, modifiable and tailored to your needs. 


Learn about the ESP8266 using Wemos shields 

This book looks at this microcontroller using the Wemos Mini and a variety of small shields to enhance the functionality of the board. 



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