
ESP32 programming for the Internet of Things: HTML, JavaScript, MQTT and WebSockets solutions (Microcontrollers and IT Book 1)

It is estimated that trillions of devices will be interconnected over the next decade through the Internet of Things, demanding a huge effort from developers. The emergence of cheap Espressif microcontrollers, featuring WiFi connectivity, allows independent developers to quickly become part of this process.

This book is not intended to comprehensively teach you the theory, but to give you practical and fully functional solutions, in the form of complete programs.


The Complete ESP32 Projects Guide

The main aim of this book is to teach the Arduino IDE and MicroPython programming languages in ESP32 based projects, using the highly popular ESP32 DevKitC development board.


PlatformIO IDE for ESP8266 & ESP32

PlatformIO IDE for ESP8266 & ESP32


.NET nanoFramework

.NET nanoFramework its an Open Source platform that enables the writing of C# code applications for embedded devices, like the ESP32. As a developer, you can use powerful and familiar tools like Microsoft Visual Studio IDE and your .NET C# skills to write code for a microcontroller, without having to worry about the low-level hardware intricacies. Develop and debugging experience second to none with a simple serial connection. Connect to cloud providers easily. Hundreds of libraries as NuGet packages.



AWS IoT: The Hobbyists Guide to Home Automation

Embedded Device to AWS Cloud Integration, Publish MQTT Data to AWS IoT using a Raspberry Pi or ESP32


The Arduino Platform and C Programming1: Active session....

Arduino: learn about it , programming , function , principles , components To ESP8266 To ESP32 For Control of things ...


ESP32-WROVER AT Bin V1.1.2

Please see the release note in the ZIP file for detailed information.



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